Friday, October 16, 2009

The new shop is getting some new color.

As we prepare to finish the showroom, we have been painting the surrounding rooms. It's the next step in the facelift the whole building is getting!

Here is the women's room, in BM AF-300 Dinner Party.

Our new office space is BM 684 Shenendoah.

The entries have a terra cotta type color that didn't photograph perfectly, but it's BM AF-225 Firenze.

And the men's room has BM 840 Kensington Blue.

We love the fresh new look in all of these rooms. Stay tuned for more improvements we are making to our showroom area!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Going Worldwide.

World Wide Web that is! Ancom is now on Facebook and Twitter.

Become a fan on Facebook.

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Ancom Is Green!

There are many species of wood which are environmentally friendly. Here at Ancom we encourage clients to explore the options.

Lyptus, a tropical hardwood, is ideal for cabinetry, millwork, furniture, and flooring. It is milled from eucalyptus trees. Eucalyptus grows very quickly, replenishing itself in as short a time as 14 years. The trees are manually pruned, which results in less knots in the wood. This allows for maximum usable lumber being produced from the logs. All of this results in a very green product. Click here for more environmental information about lyptus wood.

Lyptus has a beautiful grain pattern. It gives a very rich look and color. It can be finished naturally for a beautiful reddish color, or stained to deepen the finish to your liking. Here are some pictures of lyptus doors being prepared for stain:

And the stained and finished product:

Look for a picture of the cabinets fully assembled and installed in the near future!

Another species that is well known as being environmentally friendly and is becoming very popular for its look is bamboo. Bamboo grows faster than lyptus even, growing in only 7 years! It is therefore a very green product because the supply is regenerated so quickly. In addition to growing so rapidly, bamboo is good for the o-zone. It releases more oxygen than the average tree. Click here to read an article highlighting some of bamboo's green benefits.

Here is a picture of some naturally finished bamboo doors we are working on.

Look for pictures of these cabinets soon as well!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

New Duct Work Is In!

The new duct work was installed this week, so the dust collectors are up and running!

The bottom picture shows the new walls all plastered and painted. The spray booth will go in the back left corner.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

First cut in the new shop!

Here is a video of the first cabinet parts cut in the new shop!

(Note: you should turn down your volume)

Monday, June 15, 2009

Our new Kaeser air system.

This is a peek at our new smart pipe compressed air lines from Kaeser. They were just installed last week, and we love them!

Inside: New walls are up!

There is now wallboard up where before there were just studs before. Things are being put into their new place in the shop!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Inside: We Are Making Progress!

We have most of our things moved over from the old place. Now we just need to organize it all!

Here is the large part of the shop.

Looking from the other end, with our mascots sniffing around!

The smaller part of the shop, where the spray booth and finishing area will be.

This will become the showroom, but for now it is Andy's makeshift office.
This will also become part of the showroom, but for now it is Jess's office.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

22 Bryan Way, Ayer MA

Here is a picture of the new place. We are still moving our things over from the old place and getting everything set in place.

We will share pictures of the inside once everything is set up!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Welcome to the blog of Ancom Custom Cabinets. Here you will find updates on what is new with our company, as well as photos of jobs we are working on or have recently completed.

Our latest big news is we are moving! We are leaving Harvard behind for our own building in Ayer, MA. We look forward to this new venture. In the near future we will have a showroom for clients to visit and meet with us in. We will be sharing our move with you here on the blog. Stay tuned for photos of the new digs!